Saturday, April 26, 2008

Book Trailers

This month my students are working on making Book Trailers for the books they have been reading in Literature Circles. Like a movie trailer, the purpose of these short films is to capture the interest of a potential audience, introduce them to the story, and remind them of the book's title so they will go get a copy for themselves.

Some of my published friends have also been using Book Trailers to help promote their books. Check these out!

The 13th Reality: A Journal of Curious Letters by James Dashner

Already Asleep Illustrated by Julie Olsen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a fun idea for an assignment, Luanne!

Although I have not read the books, my two favorite book trailers are for the books The Manny and Private Arrangements. They are both hilarious. Since, as I mentioned, I have not actually read the books, I can't say how well they capture the essence of the story/voice, etc., but they're fun examples nonetheless. Unfortunately, they are probably not school appropriate. You can find them both on You Tube. (I'd grab the links for you, but we don't have access to You Tube at school, and I was afraid I'd forget to respond when I got home.) Actually, you could probably find a number of other examples by simply searching for book trailers on You Tube, or probably even Teacher Tube.