Thursday, June 28, 2007

New Links

A shout out THANKS to Caryn who has sent a list of great links.

I've added most of them to the sidebar, but the AASL blog and the YALSA blog http://blogs/ala/org/index.php?blog=5 don't like being made links. They send me to a spam blocker when I post them on our page, so you'll need to bookmark them on your own computer file if you're interested in visitng those sites, or click them from this entry.

If you know of other great sites, please let me know. I'll try to add more authors links as well.

Thanks! And don't forget to respond to the inviation email.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see them posted here. So strange that the links to the YALSA and AASL blogs didn't work. At least their feeds work, so we can keep up that way.