Saturday, June 23, 2007

We survived Logan!

It was a jam-packed week, but those of us enrolled in the summer practicum at Utah State University in Logan not only survived, we also completed all the courses and paperwork to earn our Library Media Endorsements. Congrats to us all!

And now, we're ready to embark on a new collective journey. Several of us discussed the idea of a community blog where we could write about our trials and triumphs as we move along the career path toward administrating library media centers.

If you'd like to participate, we'd love to hear from you either via your response to a blog message, or we'd be happy to add you to the list of approved bloggers. Just let us know which you prefer.

Thanks for everything, and we all hope to hear from you soon. Check back often to see what everyone else has been up to.


Kari Fomby said...

Hi Lu Ann,
I am here and I am reading, but I probably don't want to sign up to be a blogger yet. Since I am not a librarian yet, I don't know if I would have too much to add. But, I will keep reading and responding. Hi Everyone!
Kari F. (from Ogden)

Lu Ann Brobst Staheli said...

I'll bet you'll have things to add. Let us know what you're reading and if you're out looking for a library job.